
Nothing quite makes a home like a rug...

We offer a wide range of premium quality and budget rugs. Choose from the latest fashion in contemporary designs to the more traditional classic styles. Modern Rugs, Hearth Rugs, Shaggy Rugs, Designer Rugs and Hall Runners - we have a range of high quality to suit any budget.

We're open!

Mon—Sat (10am—4pm). Closed Sundays.

We have just the rug style to suit your home perfectly.

Choose from the latest fashion in contemporary designs to the more traditional classic styles. Modern Rugs, Hearth Rugs, Shaggy Rugs, Designer Rugs and Hall Runners - we have a range of high quality to suit any budget.

The North West's bets rug selection

We offer a wide range of premium quality and budget rugs in Warrington and throughout the North West.